apex tyler:

logo design + artwork

Artist: Apex Tyler
Design: Christopher Flynn

Apex Tyler is a rapper, writer and producer merging visceral lyrics with uncompromisingly elaborate beat compositions.

His upcoming full-length album, entitled: Compos Mentis, is set to drop later in the year and takes place in the fictional world of which his character “Apex” lives.

The events within this story draw from Tyler’s real memories, asking; what might have been if events went differently?

In a reality less forgiving than his own—who would he be today?

My debut album entitled 'Compos Mentis' (Latin for 'Sound of Mind') hopes to tackle issues relating to mental-health and the drug dependencies that can arise in less fortunate social conditions. This seems vital, especially within a cultural climate, even now, still saturated with disregard for mental-well being.”

Apex Tyler

Alongside a substantial collection of personal work, Tyler’s comprehensive understanding of sound design has allowed him to amass a sizeable portfolio featuring a range of both commercial and artistic endeavors.


Wonton Bass: Video Production


Lo-Grade: Logo Design + Artwork