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BAD CONNNNNNNECTION 接收不良 – Duo Exhibition by Jacklam Ho and Li Hiu-wa

  • Gallery, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity 135 Junction Road Kowloon Tsai, Kowloon Hong Kong (map)

We are entering a space full of barely perceptible, yet deliberately edited sounds and images. These sounds and images are like weak signals that cannot be transmitted completely or accurately. We can only supplement them through our own experiences and memories, or try to augment the limited external information by other methods and reorganise our indistinct visual and auditory consciousness.

“BAD CONNNNNNNECTION” is the first duo exhibition by Jacklam Ho Tsz-yeung and Li Hiu-wa. In addition to their experiments with space, creation, and forms of display, the works also show the artists’ recent bewilderments and obsessions.

10 October

Post No Bill (2020)

10 October

A U D I O_ a pop-up exhibition on analog tapes and digital files